Thursday, July 23, 2009

Doing Well

I hope all of you are doing well. Really.

I hope all of you are secure in your faith, secure in your walk with God, free from guilt, and living in obedience and surrender, which results in complete freedom, which I would say is “doing well.”

I have been amazed at the number of decisions I have seen in the past few weeks in regards to forgiveness. Some of you have chosen to forgive past hurts. Read carefully what I am going to say next…that is huge and I am so proud of you. Some of you have had to humble yourselves and ask for forgiveness. For those of you who did…wow! You are displaying serious obedience to faith. I am proud of you. If you are still wrestling with forgiveness issues, we will be wrapping up this series this Sunday. Pray that God will give you the strength to do whatever is necessary.

This past week in our Go Orange/KidStuf service, our adults and kids were taught how to forgive and ask for forgiveness. We had 36 people decide to forgive someone, and two others recommitted their lives to Christ. Praise God for the life change taking place among people!

Also, thank you to all the volunteers who made Go Orange/KidStuf/VBS happen. Thank you for exalting Christ to our church. Thank God for all of the talent He has placed in His people. Amazing! Click here to see the video recap of Go Orange/KidStuf/VBS.

During the month of June a lot of our staff is involved in summer camps, retreats, and such. In July a lot of the staff tries to coordinate their weeks off to spend time with their family and get renewed. But we as a staff are also planning for the various messages and individual programs coming up for the fall. Here are some ways you may pray for His church.
  • Pray that we (the church) will build the most Christ like disciples possible.
  • Pray that we (the pastors and elders) make the right decisions resulting in making the best disciples.
  • Pray that we (the church) never tire of reading His Word but hunger for it.
  • Pray for me as I make the final plans for the Fall Sermon series.

If you are a book nerd like me, I want to encourage you to read a book I am reading and the staff will be reading. It is Downpour by James MacDonald. Fab-tastic read about personal revival (Yes I wrote “Fab-tastic”).If you happen to hear in my fall preaching similar teaching and illustrations…wow what a coincidence it will be!

Finally…continue reading your Bibles. This past week in John has ministered to me personally. Chapters 14 and 17 have been my favorites. If you are off schedule or out of the habit, begin fresh this Monday with the reading plan on the bottom of the outline or from the webpage.

Love you guys,

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